Build – Connect – Grow. These are the three essential components for building a truly connected EU: a single European digital space. We have works written on this topic, you can review them and make up your own understanding of the topic, however, in addition to this, we advise you to purchase dissertation abstract in order to convey your feelings and thoughts about the EU as accurately as possible.
A linked-up EU means that small, medium or large companies could invoice or bid online across borders for public tenders, no matter where they are based. Thanks to digital technologies, EU citizens can access health services wherever they are in Europe based on common languages for exchanging patient data …all in just a few short clicks. A connected Europe, with linked-up online public services, would enhance our lives at home and at work, boost our businesses and Europe's economy.
In cooperation with Member States, the European Commission is developing five Large-Scale Pilots (LSPs) to make this linked-up dream a reality. Collectively, these projects are building solutions which will tear down the remaining digital barriers.
Together, we have made a good start. Through enhanced partnerships, we can move along this positive road from piloting to full deployment of the LSPs.
For this reason, we kicked off an LSP road show at the Borderless eGovernment Services for Europeans’ Conference and Exhibition held in Poznan, Poland. Visitors to CeBIT 2012 and other events throughout the year will have the opportunity to see what a linked-up Europe could do for them.
Have a look inside and get to know our LSPs. These can help digitalize the European economy, citizens and businesses. Europe’s digital expansion is set to rise: join us on this exciting journey!